@php $layout = MetaBox::getMetaData($product, 'layout', true); $layout = ($layout && in_array($layout, array_keys(get_product_single_layouts()))) ? $layout : 'product-right-sidebar'; Theme::layout($layout); Theme::asset()->container('footer')->usePath()->add('jquery.elevatezoom-js', 'js/plugins/jquery.elevatezoom.js'); @endphp
{{ __('Email to a Friend') }}

{{ $product->name }}

@if ($product->brand->id)
{{ __('Brands') }}: {{ $product->brand->name }}
@endif @if (EcommerceHelper::isReviewEnabled())
({{ __(':count reviews', ['count' => $product->reviews_count]) }})
{{ format_price($product->front_sale_price_with_taxes) }} @if ($product->front_sale_price !== $product->price) {{ format_price($product->price_with_taxes) }} {{ __(':percentage Off', ['percentage' => get_sale_percentage($product->price, $product->front_sale_price)]) }} @endif
{!! clean($product->description) !!}
@if ($product->variations()->count() > 0)
{!! render_product_swatches($product, [ 'selected' => $selectedAttrs, 'view' => Theme::getThemeNamespace() . '::views.ecommerce.attributes.swatches-renderer' ]) !!}
@if ($product->isOutOfStock()) ({{ __('Out of stock') }}) @endif
@csrf {!! apply_filters(ECOMMERCE_PRODUCT_DETAIL_EXTRA_HTML, null) !!}
    @if ($product->sku)
  • {{ __('SKU') }}: {{ $product->sku }}
  • @endif @if ($product->categories->count())
  • {{ __('Categories') }}: @foreach($product->categories as $category) {{ $category->name }}@if (!$loop->last),@endif @endforeach
  • @endif @if ($product->tags->count())
  • {{ __('Tags') }}: @foreach($product->tags as $tag) @if (!$loop->last),@endif @endforeach
  • @endif
  • {{ __('Availability') }}: {!! clean($product->stock_status_html) !!}
{!! clean($product->content) !!} @if (theme_option('facebook_comment_enabled_in_product', 'yes') == 'yes')
{!! apply_filters(BASE_FILTER_PUBLIC_COMMENT_AREA, Theme::partial('comments')) !!} @endif
@if (EcommerceHelper::isReviewEnabled())
@if ($product->reviews_count > 0)

{{ __('Customer questions & answers') }}

{{ __('Customer reviews') }}

({{ __(':avg out of 5', ['avg' => number_format($product->reviews_avg, 2)]) }})
@for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
{{ __(':number star', ['number' => 5 - $i]) }} @php $percentage = ($product->reviews->where('star', 5 - $i)->count() / $product->reviews_count) * 100; @endphp
{{ $percentage }}%

{{ __('No reviews!') }}

reviews_count) style="border: none" @endif>

{{ __('Add a review') }}

{!! Form::open(['route' => 'public.reviews.create', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => 'form-contact comment_form form-review-product']) !!} @if (!auth('customer')->check())

{{ __('Please') }} {{ __('login') }} {{ __('to write review!') }}

@for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) @endfor
{!! Form::close() !!}
@php $crossSellProducts = get_cross_sale_products($product, $layout == 'product-full-width' ? 4 : 3); @endphp @if (count($crossSellProducts) > 0)

{{ __('You may also like') }}

@foreach($crossSellProducts as $crossProduct)
@include(Theme::getThemeNamespace() . '::views.ecommerce.includes.product-item', ['product' => $crossProduct])