@extends('core/base::layouts.master') @section('content') {!! Form::open(['class' => 'form-import-data', 'files' => 'true']) !!}

{{ trans('plugins/ecommerce::bulk-import.menu') }}

{!! Form::customSelect('type', [ 'all' => __('All'), 'products' => __('Products'), 'variations' => __('Variations') ], null, ['required' => true]) !!} {!! Form::error('type', $errors) !!}
{!! Form::file('file', [ 'required' => true, 'class' => 'custom-file-input', 'id' => 'input-group-file', 'aria-describedby' => 'input-group-addon', ]) !!}
{!! Form::error('file', $errors) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

{{ trans('plugins/ecommerce::bulk-import.template') }}

Product Name Description Slug Categories Status Is featured? Brand Product collections Labels Tax Images Price Product Attributes Import type Is Variation Default? With storehouse management? Quantity Allow checkout when out of stock? Stock Status Sale price Start date sale off End date sale off Weight Length Wide Height
Lettuce - Baby Salad Greens Suspendisse potenti. In eleifend quam a odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 2,3 published 1 Pure 1 VAT 12 Size,Color product
Lettuce - Baby Salad Greens Cras mi pede, malesuada in, imperdiet et, commodo vulputate, justo. In blandit ultrices enim. 2,3 published Pure 14 Size:S,Color:Black variation 1 1 20 true in_stock 11 2021-08-06 01:00:00 2021-09-06 01:00:00 20 2 3 4
Soup - Campbells, Minestrone In sagittis dui vel nisl. Duis ac nibh. Fusce lacus purus, aliquet at, feugiat non, pretium quis, lectus. 4,5 pending 1 Automotive None 15 0 30 3 4 5

{{ trans('plugins/ecommerce::bulk-import.rules') }}

Column Rules
Product Name (required)
Description (nullable)
Slug (nullable)
Categories (nullable|multiple)
Status (required|enum:{{ implode(',', Botble\Base\Enums\BaseStatusEnum::values()) }}|default:{{ Botble\Base\Enums\BaseStatusEnum::PENDING }})
Is featured? (nullable|string (Yes or No)|default: No)
Brand (nullable|[Brand name | Brand ID])
Product collections (nullable|[Product collection name | Product collection ID]|multiple)
Labels (nullable|[Product collection name | Product collection ID]|multiple)
Tax (nullable|[Tax name | Tax ID]|default:0)
Images (nullable|string|multiple)
Price (nullable|number)
Product Attributes (nullable|string)
Import Type (nullable|enum:product,variation|default:product)
Is Variation Default? (nullable|bool|default:false)
Stock status (nullable|enum:{{ implode(',', Botble\Ecommerce\Enums\StockStatusEnum::values()) }}|default:{{ Botble\Ecommerce\Enums\StockStatusEnum::IN_STOCK }})
With storehouse management (nullable|bool|default:0)
Quantity (nullable|number)
Allow checkout when out of stock (nullable|bool|default:0)
Sale price (nullable|number)
Start date sale price (nullable|datetime|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s)
End date sale price (nullable|datetime|date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s)
Weight (nullable|number)
Length (nullable|number)
Wide (nullable|number)
Height (nullable|number)